First Communion

Holy Communion is a valued sacrament in the Lutheran church, and a child’s First Communion is an important occasion.

At St. Philip’s, all baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion.

Children vary in their readiness for communion.  Around the age of 7-8 years old, your child may be asking the following questions:

  • Is the child asking questions about Holy Communion?
  • Is there a verbal desire being expressed to receive communion?
  • Does the child participate in the worship service? (sings along in worship, says the Lord’s prayer, and the Apostles Creed…)
  • Does the child talk about feeling left out when other family members commune?
  • Does the child understand being wrong and being forgiven?

At St. Philip’s when your child is in 2nd grade, they will attend our First Communion Classes.

Classes this year will be on Thursday evenings, March 27th and April 3rd.  Beginning at 6:30 pm in the Youth Room.

Children will receive their First Communion on Maundy Thursday, April 17th at the 6 pm worship service.

The most important part of receiving the sacrament is the belief and understanding of words such as “given for you” and “shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.”  A continuing conversation between pastor, child, parents and Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministries should be the basis for setting the age for First Communion.

If you feel your child is ready to take communion, or you have questions, please contact Connie Yerigan at or at 763-571-1500, ext. 107. If you are ready to register your child for classes, please click the button below to sign up.