We look forward to meeting you!
Worship in Person
We welcome you to worship in the Sanctuary at both the 9:00 a.m. traditional and 10:30 a.m. contemporary services.
- Each service will normally include singing, special music, Bible readings, prayers and a sermon or message.
- The large screens at the front of the church will display announcements, hymns, readings, and order of service.
- A hearing loop is available in the two middle sections of the Sanctuary for those that have the t-coil technology installed and enabled in their hearing aid(s). Also, personal hearing assist devices are available on a table in the back of the sanctuary.
- Sit where you feel comfortable in the Sanctuary.
- Communion is offered every Sunday.
- We do offer traditional elements, but we do still have individual sealed communion cups available as you enter the Sanctuary, if you would prefer elements that have not been touched.
- Gluten free options are also available.
- We invite you to fill out the welcome slip (white half sheet) that is in the announcements so we can get to know you and journey alongside you in community and fellowship.
- An offering basket is passed during worship.
- Online giving through our secure app or website is also an option.
Worship From Home
For those who wish to worship from home on Sunday morning, livestreaming of both services is available two ways:
- On our website’s homepage by clicking on the blue “WATCH LIVE ON WEBSITE” button near the top, left corner
- On our YouTube channel, which you can access by clicking the blue “WATCH LIVE ON YOUTUBE”
View Past Services
If you are unable to join the livestream on Sunday morning, you would like to view past services once they have been uploaded…
- From the menu bar on our website, select “Worship” and then “Worship Videos”.