Search Results

Searched for: eric

What We Believe

The vision and mission of the congregation reflect and serve the needs of the members and the community. The Gospel remains our foundation and strength. WORSHIP is the center of congregational life, where we GROW through the study of God’s word, and SERVE using the variety of gifts that God has given us. Invitation:  We…

Young Adults Ministry

Though we are all together as one church, young adults find themselves living out faith in life in ways unique to their experience as young adults today. Connection and conversation with peers in shared experience can be very meaningful as we gather to be church together. However you define your age, there is a ministry…

Job Openings

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Outreach is the activity of providing services to any population that might not otherwise have access to those services. St. Philip’s has a rich history of outreach to those in our local community, in our nation, and in our world.