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Serve on Sunday Mornings

Many individuals are needed to create a successful worship experience. Volunteer opportunities abound on Sunday morning for adults and children. Please consider participating in one or more of these opportunities. (Click on each opportunity below to read a description.) Unless otherwise noted, email to or call the church office at to volunteer.

Serve Our Community & Beyond

St. Philip’s has a rich history of outreach ministry and volunteer opportunities abound to serve our community and beyond through these ministries. All are invited to participate in any of these outreach activities. Unless otherwise noted, email to or call the church office at 763-571-1500 to volunteer.

Serve Our Congregation

A church is made up of many members, each with their own talents. When each member participates, sharing their talents, the church will continue to grow and be healthy. Volunteer opportunities abound to care for our members and our building. Please consider sharing your talents in one or more of these areas. Unless otherwise noted,…

What We Believe

The vision and mission of the congregation reflect and serve the needs of the members and the community. The Gospel remains our foundation and strength. WORSHIP is the center of congregational life, where we GROW through the study of God’s word, and SERVE using the variety of gifts that God has given us. Invitation:  We…

Worship Center

Placed at the center of the building, the Sanctuary reminds us that God is in our midst and that worship and teaching are at the center of Christian life. Worshipers are seated in a semi-circular manner, almost as if they were surrounding the altar and pulpit.  Pews extend only 15 rows back, bringing a feeling…

Worship Experience

Worship In-Person We welcome you to worship in the Sanctuary on Sundays at both the 9:00 a.m. traditional and 10:30 a.m. contemporary services. A hearing loop is available in the two middle sections of the sanctuary for those that have the t-coil technology installed and enabled in their hearing aid(s). Also, personal hearing assist devices…

Young Adults Ministry

Though we are all together as one church, young adults find themselves living out faith in life in ways unique to their experience as young adults today. Connection and conversation with peers in shared experience can be very meaningful as we gather to be church together. However you define your age, there is a ministry…

Caring Ministries

Through these ministries, we reach out in love to be the caring community God calls us to be.

Children, Youth & Families

At St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, we are excited to partner with families as their children grow in their faith through Ministry Stepping Stones, Sunday morning lessons, and service based activities. It is our hope that through these, children and youth will develop and nurture their love for Jesus. Join us during the program year on…