Worship In-Person
We welcome you to worship in the Sanctuary on Sundays at both the 9:00 a.m. traditional
and 10:30 a.m. contemporary services.
A hearing loop is available in the two middle sections of the sanctuary for those that have the t-coil technology installed and enabled in their hearing aid(s). Also, personal hearing assist devices are available on a table in the back of the sanctuary.
Worship From Home
For those who wish to worship from home on Sunday morning, livestreaming of both services is available two ways:
- On our website’s homepage by clicking on the blue “WATCH LIVE ON WEBSITE” button near the top, left corner
- On our YouTube channel, which you can access by clicking the blue “WATCH LIVE ON YOUTUBE”
If you are unable to join the livestream on Sunday morning, you may view past services once they have been uploaded. Select “Worship” and then “Worship Videos”.
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday at both worship services. Instruction about the communion process is given by the pastor prior to the Words of Institution. Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are available.
We preach and teach in our Lutheran church that Christ is truly present in communion and it is given for you for the forgiveness of sin. We invite all who believe this and are baptized to partake with us in the Lord’s Supper. If you are visiting us and you already take communion in your home church, you are welcome to take communion with us. If you have never taken communion or have never had instruction on the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, please contact Pastor Matt Flom at MattF@splcmn.org or 763-231-0557.
Those who wish to stay home and watch live streamed services may also partake in communion. Communion cups, prepackaged in quantities of 12, are available in the office on Sunday morning or during regular weekday office hours. If you prefer to have them mailed, contact Katie at KatieS@splcmn.org or 763-231-0420.