
A Columbarium is an above ground structure with small compartments or “niches” built into the structure designed to hold urns for the cremated remains of loved ones who have died. It is a modern version of the church cemetery.

In 2015, the construction of St. Philip’s Columbarium was completed. It stands on the outside wall of the Fellowship Hall, facing the Serenity Garden and Moore Lake. It consists of 93 niches each with space for two urns. Each niche will be identified with the name and dates of the deceased. Niches are available for purchase for St. Philip’s members. Past members and non-members may purchase a niche with approval from the Columbarium Committee. Also, benches on the Columbarium Grounds can also be purchased and engraved with the donor’s name.

The St. Philip’s Columbarium documents can be accessed by clicking on the document icons below or by picking up a packet in the church office. Email to or call the church office at 763-571-1500 for more information.